Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are you for or against the death penalty?

Are you for or against the death penalty? In the article “Death penalty is dead wrong: It’s time to outlaw capital punishment in America – completely” by Mario M. Cuomo, it’s clear his against position and has good arguments to convince you to believe in his opinion. In the United States the death punishment is allowed and practiced during much time, in difference to my country, the Brazil, which this penalty does not exist. “Because death penalty proponents have no other way to defend this policy, they cling unabashedly to the blunt of the ancient impulse that has always spurred the call for death: the desire for revenge” observed by Mario M. Cuomo.
Thus, in my opinion the true reason from death penalty is revenge and it only promotes the violence. So, violence generates violence. Also, I believe anyone has the right take life from the other person, even if this person took to the life from the other. Life was given to us by God and only He can take it from us. Besides, a killer or guilty person probably has mental problems or other health problems that begin during your life, and the problems can be resulted from a difficult childhood, education and adulthood. Therefore, this person needs the help to overcome your problems and become a better person and no the death. In conclusion, I will let the an interesting argument from the article by Mario M. Cuomo “We need to continue to do the things that will control crime by making the apprehension and punishment of criminals more effective and more precise. We need adequate police and prisons and alternatives to incarceration. We should also have a tough, effective punishment for deliberate murder. There is a punishment that is much better than the death penalty: one that juries will not be reluctant to impose; one that is so menacing to a potential killer, that it could actually deter; one that does not require us to be infallible so as to avoid taking an innocent life; and that does not require us to stoop to the level of the killers”.

References: <>

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Discovered in Two Countries

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cases of paralysis caused by mutation polio vaccine have been found in South Sudan and Madagascar and confirmed this week. In the article “Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Discovered in 2 Countries”, by Donald G. McNeil Jr., it’s clear this information. Thus, I resolved to talk a little about the history of the creator's polio vaccine, because I'm doing a research paper about him.  In the century XX appeared a severe epidemic “poliomyelitis” through an infectious disease in the world. It mainly spread among the children that suffered with the paralysis. The polio is caused by a virus that lives in the throat and intestinal tract and transmitted through person-to-person contact. Thus, Jonas Salk, an American immunologist, had an idea to develop a polio vaccine. So, Jonas Salk was the greatest immunologist of the 20th century because he created the polio vaccine and eradicated the disease in the U.S. Besides, the oral polio vaccine was developed in 1961 by Albert Sabin, which it was the kind of vaccine that suffered mutation. Therefore, the both countries are looking for solutions through introduce injectable vaccine wherever it is safe and practical, also it contains a "killed" virus that cannot mutate.

References: <>

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The self-care practice

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) self-care is defined as the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, and maintain health and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider. It includes any intentional actions you take to care for your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. Physical exercise and a healthy diet are part of the physical self-care that means the ability to maintain a healthy life’s quality. Also, a good reflection makes up part of the mental and emotional self-care that means the ability to understand ourselves and overcome the challenges in life. Besides, there is a spiritual self-care that means to establish peace and harmony in our lives, through a spiritual peace. However, a good self-care can be a big challenge for many people, because it’s broad and can suffer many influences, as financial part and lack knowledge. So, if the people don’t practice the self-care, a great imbalance happens and many consequences occur in the human body, as diseases in the body and mind that can lead to the death. That’s why, it’s important to avoid the bad habits, which can start to be an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyles, the way of expound good and bad feelings and the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol too much. In conclusion, the human body can’t be treated only the physical part, but yes it needs to be treated as a whole. 

References: <>

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who talks more: men or women?

Who talks more: men or women? In the article “You Just Don’t Understand” by Laura Morrison, she explains this curious difference through a research and based on Deborah Tannen's book. “For males, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the group and keep people from pushing you around; you use talk to preserve your independence. Females, on the other hand, use conversation to negotiate closeness and intimacy; talk is the essence of intimacy, so being best friends means sitting and talking. For boys, activities, doing things together, are central. Just sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship. They’re friends with the boys they do things with” observed by Deborah Tannen. Thus, it’s possible to notice women have easily to communicate about the problems and through these conversations they create an affective bond; in difference men don’t have the habit to talk about problems, they just prefer to give the solutions. That’s why; the men are confused to be silent and women talkative. However, according to conclusion of the article, both men and women talk almost the same, but each one has a special behavior and they are influenced by the place during the conversation. Therefore, in my opinion men and women have several differences and similarities, because both are a being human, and the conversation’s way depends on the mainly of the education and the environment.   

Reference: <'y-Understand-406460.html>

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The meaning of Halloween

This week I watched a video about the History of Halloween, that’s why I decided to read and to understand more about this traditional celebration in the United States. In the article “History of Halloween” by Benjamin Radford, it’s clear the meaning of the Halloween. In the past, there was a pre-Christian Celtic festival in November/01 called Samhain, which means "summer's end". "There was a belief that it was a day when spirits of the dead would cross over into the other world," Santino told Live Science. Such moments of transition in the year have always been thought to be special and supernatural, he added. The connection between Halloween and Samhain has never been proven, many scholars believe that because All Saints' Day (or All Hallows' Mass, celebrated Nov. 1) and Samhain, are so close together on the calendar, they influenced each other and later combined into the celebration now called Halloween. Also, the tradition of dressing in costumes and trick-or-treating may go back to the practice of "mumming" and "guising", in which people would disguise themselves and go door-to-door, asking for food. However, Halloween was as much a time for festivities and games as it was for playing tricks or asking for treats. Apples are associated with Halloween, both as a treat and in the game of bobbing for apples, a game that since the colonial era in America was used for fortune-telling. Besides, there are others rituals in the history and several places involved, so the history can be told of different ways. In conclusion, I'm very exciting to participate to the true Halloween, because in my home country Brazil, it isn't common this celebration. That's why I bought a costume of Alice in Wonderland, and my friends and I would like going door-to-door to play trick-or-treating, and so we will celebrate together.

References: <>

Friday, October 10, 2014

Wear Pink Color

Breast cancer is a of the major public health problem in the world. According to the informations in the Breast Cancer Organization, “in reality, about 1 in 8 women in the United States — 12%, or about 12 out of every 100 — can expect to develop breast cancer over the course of an entire lifetime”. The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. It’s a danger tumor that can develop in women and men. That’s why it’s important to know more and so avoid the worst. The symptoms can diversify from lumps to swelling to skin changes. Thus, it necessary to make the breast self-exam monthly and if you feel something to find a doctor. Also, the diagnostic can be through mammography yearly that become routine if you're over 40 years or at a high risk for the disease. Treatments as surgery, radiation, hormonal (anti-estrogen) therapy, and chemotherapy are options. Besides, there is a campaign in the fight against breast cancer called “Pink October” in worldwide, which people wear the pink color to publish the prevention and the cure. In conclusion, It’s fundamental to be alert and inform about this sickness and can always help this great campaign wearing pink color.

Source: <>

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Older People x Abuse

The estimative about older adults for alcohol and other substances abuse are very high, according actual studies. In the article “More Older Adults Are Struggling With Substance Abuse” by Abby Ellin, it’s clear this increase and explaining the dependency as severe problem. “As we get older, it takes longer for our bodies to metabolize alcohol and drugs,” said D. John Dyben, the director of older adult treatment services for the Hanley Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. “Someone might say, ‘I could have two or three glasses of wine and I was fine, and now that I’m in my late 60s, it’s becoming a problem.’ That’s because the body can’t handle it.” Thus, it’s important to know more about the effects of alcohol and other substances in the older body, like it leads to some kinds of cancer, liver damage, immune system disorders, and brain damage. Also, it’s fundamental to identify when it becomes a problem, so the abuse can be a result of major life changes like death of dear friends or a loved one, moving to a new home, or failing health. And these kinds of changes can cause loneliness, boredom, anxiety, or depression. However, there are several  ways to get help, like support group for older people with alcohol problems and maybe some medicines, but the main are love, determination, focus, strength and faith. In conclusion, older people need to be aware of how your body changes due the age, and to be more alert to these changes, also the possible problems with alcohol and other substances abuse, and so continue to enjoy life to the fullest.

Source: <>

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The New Outbreak of Respiratory Illness

Today, there is a new outbreak of respiratory illness spreads between Midwest and 38 states in the United States, because it was already reported several cases. In the article “Outbreak of a Respiratory Illness Escalates Among Children and Mystifies Scientists” by Catherine Saint Louis, it’s clear these informations and explain the infection source by enterovirus D68. Besides, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had confirmed 226 cases of infection with enterovirus 68, one case involved an adult and no deaths have been linked to the infection. “Parents would love to know why this virus is causing severe disease and why there are more cases,” said Rafal Tokarz, an associate research scientist at Columbia University who has studied the virus, “but we won’t be able to answer that until a lot more research is done.” Thus, this actual problem is scary, so it’s important to know more about the symptoms, the risks and the preventions. The symptoms can be divided in mild, like fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, and body and muscle aches, also severe that can be divided in wheezing and difficulty breathing. The risks are because children and teenagers don’t have yet immunity from previous exposures to these viruses. Therefore, the main way to avoid is through prevention, so there isn’t still vaccine, that’s why it’s fundamental to wash hands often with soap and water, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing eating utensils with people who are sick.

Source: <>

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The society’s villain

The average waist circumference has increased in the United States currently, and it's a greatest problem between North-American populations, because several diseases start with the abdominal obesity. In the article “The Expanding American Waistline” by Nicholas Bakalar, it is clear there was this significantly and worrying increased. “Standing on the scale every day is all good and well, but you can have a steady weight and still have an expanding waist. And that should be a signal for people to start looking at their diet and physical activity” said the lead author of the study, Dr. Earl S. Ford, a medical officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thus, many factors contribute to theses complex problems, but the basic reasons are simple: we eat too much, we choose the wrong foods and we don’t get enough exercise. It’s common we see children, adults and old people eat fast foods and drink soda during the main daily meals, what it’s the bad! Because the body needs vitamins, nutrients and minerals for survive, and these foods don’t provide anything. Also, people are sedentary more and more and they don’t practice physical activity, because today everything is easily, so it becomes lazy. Besides, we can report some risks for the abdominal obesity, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke and cancer, that’s why all these diseases lead the death. Therefore, we conclude the fat is the society's villain and its consequences are severe, that’s why it’s important to encourage everyone have good eating habits and an active life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The actual scary winter in the USA

I heard about the actual winter in the USA will be colder than the many years ago, that’s why my friends and I decide to buy winter clothes for us protection. In the article about “Metereologists Predict Record - Shattering Snowfall Coming Soon", by Siver Spring, it is clear the snowfall is shattering snow storms across the board. Edward F. Blankenbaker, Senior Administrator of Meteorologists, told the media that “this will be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of snowy winter” and so all people can suffer with it. Change weather attain the everyone and everything, because like example, the food need a certain temper to grow up and develop and the animals suffer similar people, thus it right that supply and demand could cause shortages and more other difficult problems. Besides, the explanation for this impact is in the phenomenon El Niño that is associated with a band of warm ocean water temperatures that periodically develops off the Pacific coast of South America, and it can be cause a climatic instability. These informations are scared for me, because I have never felt this temper in Brazil, so it is a tropical country, and I confess that I can’t imagine a smaller temper than zero degrees Celsius or negative forty degrees Celsius. It is unbelievable in my mind! Therefore, in my opinion if I and all North America people don’t worry about the winter season in the 2014, we will feel the lowest temper and it will be almost impossible to maintain the normal life and, or the worst, continue to live.

Source: <>

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Ebola Outbreak

The Ebola Outbreak in the West Africa is an actual global problem, and this epidemic is over-increase and so the opportunities to control are ending, these words can be look for in the article, 'Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak is 'Closing Quickly,' Official Warns by Alexandra Sifferlin.
Besides, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported more than 1900 deaths in West Africa's Ebola outbreak, thus it showing how the number of virus's cases is so large, and its power is stronger than when it became in 1976.
In relation about the disease, datas inform it can be acquired in blood, secretion and bodily fluids of a sick person or animal, and its principle symptom is the fever that leads to hemorrhage and organ failure. The vaccine and cure weren't still discovery, and the treatment is keeping the hydration and the isolation.
Therefore, in my opinion this epidemic is worrying, and that’s why all people need to be alert, so an uncontrolled epidemic doesn't turn into a pandemic, and so attains more still all the world.

Friday, August 29, 2014



I am Flavia, 21 years old, and I am from Brazil. I came to the USA to learn English and also study the Nursing undergraduate.
When I talk about me, I am a calm and mature person, and my favorite hobbies are read books, especially romantic books, and also I love watching several movies, except the terror movies. Because, when I read or watch something I can live the other lives and travel in the different places, what in my opinion it is fantastic!
However, the most thing that I don’t like is the dishonest people and when someone isn’t sincerity with me. Because one time I suffer a dishonest action and I don’t desired for anyone.
Besides, I have many goals in my life, like maybe to be a bilingual and still to learn other languages, so in the global world if you know different languages you can achieve more things. Also I intend to finish my undergraduate and continue study more, because I would like doing the nursing’s residence, and on day to be a doctor in my profession.
This opportunity to study abroad was an achievement for me and I will intend to valorize so much.