Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are you for or against the death penalty?

Are you for or against the death penalty? In the article “Death penalty is dead wrong: It’s time to outlaw capital punishment in America – completely” by Mario M. Cuomo, it’s clear his against position and has good arguments to convince you to believe in his opinion. In the United States the death punishment is allowed and practiced during much time, in difference to my country, the Brazil, which this penalty does not exist. “Because death penalty proponents have no other way to defend this policy, they cling unabashedly to the blunt of the ancient impulse that has always spurred the call for death: the desire for revenge” observed by Mario M. Cuomo.
Thus, in my opinion the true reason from death penalty is revenge and it only promotes the violence. So, violence generates violence. Also, I believe anyone has the right take life from the other person, even if this person took to the life from the other. Life was given to us by God and only He can take it from us. Besides, a killer or guilty person probably has mental problems or other health problems that begin during your life, and the problems can be resulted from a difficult childhood, education and adulthood. Therefore, this person needs the help to overcome your problems and become a better person and no the death. In conclusion, I will let the an interesting argument from the article by Mario M. Cuomo “We need to continue to do the things that will control crime by making the apprehension and punishment of criminals more effective and more precise. We need adequate police and prisons and alternatives to incarceration. We should also have a tough, effective punishment for deliberate murder. There is a punishment that is much better than the death penalty: one that juries will not be reluctant to impose; one that is so menacing to a potential killer, that it could actually deter; one that does not require us to be infallible so as to avoid taking an innocent life; and that does not require us to stoop to the level of the killers”.

References: <>

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Discovered in Two Countries

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cases of paralysis caused by mutation polio vaccine have been found in South Sudan and Madagascar and confirmed this week. In the article “Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Discovered in 2 Countries”, by Donald G. McNeil Jr., it’s clear this information. Thus, I resolved to talk a little about the history of the creator's polio vaccine, because I'm doing a research paper about him.  In the century XX appeared a severe epidemic “poliomyelitis” through an infectious disease in the world. It mainly spread among the children that suffered with the paralysis. The polio is caused by a virus that lives in the throat and intestinal tract and transmitted through person-to-person contact. Thus, Jonas Salk, an American immunologist, had an idea to develop a polio vaccine. So, Jonas Salk was the greatest immunologist of the 20th century because he created the polio vaccine and eradicated the disease in the U.S. Besides, the oral polio vaccine was developed in 1961 by Albert Sabin, which it was the kind of vaccine that suffered mutation. Therefore, the both countries are looking for solutions through introduce injectable vaccine wherever it is safe and practical, also it contains a "killed" virus that cannot mutate.

References: <>

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The self-care practice

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) self-care is defined as the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, and maintain health and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider. It includes any intentional actions you take to care for your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. Physical exercise and a healthy diet are part of the physical self-care that means the ability to maintain a healthy life’s quality. Also, a good reflection makes up part of the mental and emotional self-care that means the ability to understand ourselves and overcome the challenges in life. Besides, there is a spiritual self-care that means to establish peace and harmony in our lives, through a spiritual peace. However, a good self-care can be a big challenge for many people, because it’s broad and can suffer many influences, as financial part and lack knowledge. So, if the people don’t practice the self-care, a great imbalance happens and many consequences occur in the human body, as diseases in the body and mind that can lead to the death. That’s why, it’s important to avoid the bad habits, which can start to be an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyles, the way of expound good and bad feelings and the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol too much. In conclusion, the human body can’t be treated only the physical part, but yes it needs to be treated as a whole. 

References: <>

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who talks more: men or women?

Who talks more: men or women? In the article “You Just Don’t Understand” by Laura Morrison, she explains this curious difference through a research and based on Deborah Tannen's book. “For males, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the group and keep people from pushing you around; you use talk to preserve your independence. Females, on the other hand, use conversation to negotiate closeness and intimacy; talk is the essence of intimacy, so being best friends means sitting and talking. For boys, activities, doing things together, are central. Just sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship. They’re friends with the boys they do things with” observed by Deborah Tannen. Thus, it’s possible to notice women have easily to communicate about the problems and through these conversations they create an affective bond; in difference men don’t have the habit to talk about problems, they just prefer to give the solutions. That’s why; the men are confused to be silent and women talkative. However, according to conclusion of the article, both men and women talk almost the same, but each one has a special behavior and they are influenced by the place during the conversation. Therefore, in my opinion men and women have several differences and similarities, because both are a being human, and the conversation’s way depends on the mainly of the education and the environment.   

Reference: <'y-Understand-406460.html>