Sunday, October 26, 2014

The meaning of Halloween

This week I watched a video about the History of Halloween, that’s why I decided to read and to understand more about this traditional celebration in the United States. In the article “History of Halloween” by Benjamin Radford, it’s clear the meaning of the Halloween. In the past, there was a pre-Christian Celtic festival in November/01 called Samhain, which means "summer's end". "There was a belief that it was a day when spirits of the dead would cross over into the other world," Santino told Live Science. Such moments of transition in the year have always been thought to be special and supernatural, he added. The connection between Halloween and Samhain has never been proven, many scholars believe that because All Saints' Day (or All Hallows' Mass, celebrated Nov. 1) and Samhain, are so close together on the calendar, they influenced each other and later combined into the celebration now called Halloween. Also, the tradition of dressing in costumes and trick-or-treating may go back to the practice of "mumming" and "guising", in which people would disguise themselves and go door-to-door, asking for food. However, Halloween was as much a time for festivities and games as it was for playing tricks or asking for treats. Apples are associated with Halloween, both as a treat and in the game of bobbing for apples, a game that since the colonial era in America was used for fortune-telling. Besides, there are others rituals in the history and several places involved, so the history can be told of different ways. In conclusion, I'm very exciting to participate to the true Halloween, because in my home country Brazil, it isn't common this celebration. That's why I bought a costume of Alice in Wonderland, and my friends and I would like going door-to-door to play trick-or-treating, and so we will celebrate together.

References: <>

Friday, October 10, 2014

Wear Pink Color

Breast cancer is a of the major public health problem in the world. According to the informations in the Breast Cancer Organization, “in reality, about 1 in 8 women in the United States — 12%, or about 12 out of every 100 — can expect to develop breast cancer over the course of an entire lifetime”. The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. It’s a danger tumor that can develop in women and men. That’s why it’s important to know more and so avoid the worst. The symptoms can diversify from lumps to swelling to skin changes. Thus, it necessary to make the breast self-exam monthly and if you feel something to find a doctor. Also, the diagnostic can be through mammography yearly that become routine if you're over 40 years or at a high risk for the disease. Treatments as surgery, radiation, hormonal (anti-estrogen) therapy, and chemotherapy are options. Besides, there is a campaign in the fight against breast cancer called “Pink October” in worldwide, which people wear the pink color to publish the prevention and the cure. In conclusion, It’s fundamental to be alert and inform about this sickness and can always help this great campaign wearing pink color.

Source: <>

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Older People x Abuse

The estimative about older adults for alcohol and other substances abuse are very high, according actual studies. In the article “More Older Adults Are Struggling With Substance Abuse” by Abby Ellin, it’s clear this increase and explaining the dependency as severe problem. “As we get older, it takes longer for our bodies to metabolize alcohol and drugs,” said D. John Dyben, the director of older adult treatment services for the Hanley Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. “Someone might say, ‘I could have two or three glasses of wine and I was fine, and now that I’m in my late 60s, it’s becoming a problem.’ That’s because the body can’t handle it.” Thus, it’s important to know more about the effects of alcohol and other substances in the older body, like it leads to some kinds of cancer, liver damage, immune system disorders, and brain damage. Also, it’s fundamental to identify when it becomes a problem, so the abuse can be a result of major life changes like death of dear friends or a loved one, moving to a new home, or failing health. And these kinds of changes can cause loneliness, boredom, anxiety, or depression. However, there are several  ways to get help, like support group for older people with alcohol problems and maybe some medicines, but the main are love, determination, focus, strength and faith. In conclusion, older people need to be aware of how your body changes due the age, and to be more alert to these changes, also the possible problems with alcohol and other substances abuse, and so continue to enjoy life to the fullest.

Source: <>